Friday, May 4, 2012


For more than a decade, I have stood in front of various audiences spewing forth facts and opinions about training, fitness and health.  Because most of those who have heard me speak have been required to as part of their university curriculum, I have had what many would consider to be a "captive audience".  If you have had the pleasure or misfortune, (depending on your perspective), of being one of my students, you know that as illuminating as my lectures can be, they are often peppered with stories, musings, thoughts, rants, etc., which more than once have ended up with me saying something like "...and that's why I should run the world".  Needless to say, anyone who ends sentences by saying "...and that's why I should run the world", probably shouldn't.  Of this, I am well aware.  Despite that, the loosely bound set of rules and opinions that govern how I see things is what I refer to as The Miller Method, hence the moniker that graces this blog.
However, this blog is not about me.  It's about you; and giving you a chance to express your thoughts and feelings regarding important (usually) topics that affect your lives and the lives of those around you.  While the topics I initiate will most often focus on training, fitness, health and wellness, I encourage you to submit ideas, opinions and questions about other topics that are important to you.  My plan is to update the blog weekly on Fridays, so feel free to subscribe so you don't miss any of the action.  Have a fantastic week!



  1. I'm excited! Being one of your many "Captive Audience" members, I can say without a doubt that you were one of the greatest influences on my life growing up through the academic world. Its an honor to have called you my Professor, Advisor, Colleague and Friend.

  2. I love listening to you talk. You have great insight and I am excited to follow your blog!!

  3. You are a wealth of information and we all thoroughly enjoy hearing you speak, Thanks for sharing

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is my first blog, so here we go. I want to say that I am so happy to be a part of this. I'm excited , but not surprised that you took the "plunge". Having been in your audience and watching you work has been a great experience and will continue to be for me. You have guided me to places where I never thought I'd go, and more importantly, you believe in me more than I believe in myself. I am evidence that it's never too late to learn, and I thank you for your mentoring and your encouragement at this time in my life. Love the Blog! Just keep talking and teaching and I'll keep listening! Oh, and one more thing, being your mom has nothing to do with my opinion. :-)

    1. Rose,you have an amazing son. I want to thank you for him. Oh, and by your closing sentence, I can see where he gets his sense of humor from. You're going to make this blog even more intersting. Welcome!

    2. Thanks so much, Carmen, yes...he continues to amaze us every day. He has always wanted to make a difference...I think he's finally found his niche. I better stop before he adds me to his block list. Thank you for your kind words.

  6. This is going to be great. Can't wait to hear what you and all others have to share.

  7. Im looking forward to asking questions and being able to pick the brain of Dr. Miller. I am so impressed by his changes since using Advocare products. I have many questions to follow. Thank you for starting the blog.

  8. I'm looking forward to reading this blog!
